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QNAP berkomitmen untuk menyediakan solusi komprehensif dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, desain perangkat keras, dan manufaktur internal. Berfokus pada penyimpanan, jaringan, dan inovasi smart video, QNAP merancang dan menghadirkan solusi network attached storage (NAS) dan network video recorder (NVR) profesional dan berkualitas tinggi kepada pengguna dari rumah, SOHO hingga usaha kecil dan menengah.


Berikut adalah kategori produk yang disediakan QNAP:


Personal and Home NAS

Your personal data & multimedia center

Produk: TS-364, TS-451D2, TS-251D, TS-x51+ Series, TS-x31P3 Series, TS-x31P2 Series, TS-x31K Series, TS-x30 Series, Silent NAS Series


Small and Midsize Business

High performance optimized for intensive workloads

Produk: QuTScloud, QuTS hero NAS: TS-hx77XU Series, TS-x77XU Series, TVS-x72XT Series, TS-x73AU Series, TS-x73A Series, TVS-675, TVS-x73e Series, QuTS hero NAS: TS-h973AX, TS-1635AX, TS-x53DU Series, TS-453BT3, TS-x53D Series, TBS-464, TBS-453DX, TS-451DeU, TS-x32PX Series, TS-431XeU, TS-x32PXU Series, TS-x31X Series


Enterprise NAS

Robust & powerful, keep ahead of the competition

Produk: QuTScloud, GM-1000 Gemini Series, Dual-Controller NAS, NVMe All-Flash QuTS hero NAS: TS-h2490FU, All-Flash QuTS hero NAS: TS-h3088XU-RP, QuTS hero NAS: TVS-hx88X Series, QuTS hero NAS: TS-hx83XU-RP Series, TS-x83XU Series, QuTS hero NAS: TS-h1886XU-RP, TS-1886XU-RP, QuTS hero NAS: TS-hx86 Series


Direct Attached Storage

Flexible and economic storage expansion solution for NAS, PC, and servers
Dual-controller TL SAS JBOD Storage Enclosures, TL SAS JBOD Storage Enclosures, TL multi-lane SATA JBOD Storage Enclosure, TL USB JBOD Storage Enclosure, TR Series RAID Expansion Enclosure



Versatile feature-rich accessories to enhance the performance of your system and upgrade your PC/ workstation environment for improved efficiency.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai produk QNAP, silahkan kontak kami.

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